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From Dreams to Reality

Your Guide
from Setting Goals
to Goal Achievement

Sign Up Now

Modules of Your Course

The first module works with you to understand where you are today, to better plan where you want to go and helps you take a snapshot of your life as it stands today, identifying strengths, confirming and understanding your values, recognising your beliefs, and adapting your habits.

The second module dives into the heart of your desires and focuses on your dreams, aspirations, visions, and goals.   Once you have identified your future, you will confirm and define the goal or goals you select to work on first.

The third module takes you through a one step at a time to achievement process.    
You will be able to implement these third module steps on a regular basis to work with you to achieve your goal or goals, one step at a time.

The last module talks about what achievement
looks and feels like.       
You are asked how you will recognise your achievements, from the smallest to the very largest; and how you will celebrate.

Unlock the powerful art of Goal Setting and make a dramatic positive difference to your life.

Rewrite the rest of your life and achieve what you've always wanted.

Put your values at the centre of setting and achieving your goals. 

Features of the From Dreams to Reality course


You'll feel a renewed sense of vitality and enthusiasm as you make progress toward your goals. This newfound energy can motivate you to tackle challenges and pursue your ambitions with vigour.

Back on track

If you've felt lost or off-course, our program will help you realign with your true path. You'll regain direction and clarity, ensuring you're moving forward in the right direction.

Renewed feeling of purpose

Setting and achieving meaningful goals provides a deep sense of purpose. You'll feel more connected to your life's mission, which can be incredibly fulfilling and motivating.


By clearly defining your goals and priorities, you'll be able to concentrate your efforts on what truly matters. This focus helps you avoid distractions and make more effective use of your time and resources.

On the road to fulfilment

As you achieve your goals and align your actions with your values, you'll find greater satisfaction and happiness in your life. This journey leads to a more fulfilling and rewarding existence.

Personal peace of mind

Knowing that you're making progress and moving toward your goals can significantly reduce stress and anxiety. You'll experience a greater sense of calm and confidence in your ability to handle life's challenges.

Flexibility and Convenience

Online courses allow you to learn at your own pace and on your own schedule. This flexibility means you can fit self-coaching into your life without having to rearrange your commitments.


Online courses are often more affordable than hiring a personal coach. You get access to high-quality content and resources without the high costs associated with one-on-one coaching sessions.

Self-Paced Learning

You can take your time to understand each concept thoroughly before moving on. This ensures that you fully grasp each aspect of self-coaching and can apply it effectively.

Access to Expertise

Many online courses are created by experienced coaches and industry experts. You gain insights from their years of experience and proven methodologies.

Goal Achievement

The structured approach of an online course helps you set clear, achievable goals and provides the tools to track and accomplish them. This systematic process increases your chances of success.

Able to take time off and go on holiday

Effective goal setting and prioritisation can lead to better work-life balance. You'll be able to manage your time more efficiently, allowing you to take breaks and enjoy holidays without feeling guilty or overwhelmed.

"This programme has helped me stop and think about
what I do and what is important.
But more importantly it has allowed me
to take that first practical step in achieving my goals."

Chartered Building Surveyor

"This is a very constructive programme
that helps you formulate what you have in the very bottom of your heart,
ready to jump - but no-one else than you can do it -
with this little amazing help!"

Business Owner
Hotel, Spa, and Golf Course

"Deciding to come to this specific course,
started/helped the change in my attitude/character already."

Business Owner

"Barbara has been one of my valued business, spiritual and supervisory coaches and mentors for a number of years.
She combines deep business knowledge and experience with coaching, mentoring and spiritual approaches.
Being multifaceted myself, I highly value Barbara’s holistic way of coaching where she brings in all of herself as a business woman, coach, mentor, spiritual guide and so much more.
She is highly intuitive, flexible, able to adapt her coaching style to my needs in a particular period and is not afraid to challenge limiting beliefs or assumptions.
I love that Barbara freely shares examples from her own experience in such a way that they help me find my own way."

Leadership & Business Transformation Consultant
Executive Breakthrough Coach | Speaker | Published Author

"Barbara has helped me to evaluate my business and private life, to understand what is important to me, and to establish goals. Barbara has and is providing support, coaching and mentoring throughout.
Barbara is very professional in all her dealings with me as a Coach, she listens, she questions, she is supportive, she challenges my thinking constructively and at all times I know that her confidentiality is guaranteed.
I would recommend Barbara to anyone looking for a Coach. She gives her total commitment to you, and if you work with her you can make changes in your life."

Management Team Manager
Outsourcing and Technology Company

Become Part Of Your Future


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